KnightsOfColumbus 5724 (St. Augustine Council)

Hope to see you next year.

2019 Mar 16 St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Celebration - at St. Bernadette Parish - sponsored by the KofC Council # 5724.

2018 Mar 17 St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Celebration - at St. Bernadette Parish - sponsored by the KofC Council # 5724.

What the hall looked like before the doors opened.

2017 Mar 18 St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Celebration - at St. Bernadette Parish - sponsored by the KofC Council # 5724.

Irish soda bread - hot from the oven.

Setting up the hall.

The kitchen.

The hall beforehand.

Waiting for the guests.


The talented musicians.

The delicious meal of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, turnips, soda bread, and desserts.

Some folks who enjoyed the evening.

The packed hall.

Knights working in the kitchen.

Knights at work.

St. Bernadette's priest with a blessing.

A Knight cutting Irish soda bread.

The Grand Knight's opening remarks.

Knights serving food.

A Knight who loves cooking turnips.

The first St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Celebration - at St. Rose of Lima Parish - sponsored by the KofC Council # 5724.

sitemap (double click)